
Even more backgrounds

Some more backgrounds! I think I enjoy the zoom look way too much.

This is actually a background for the VERY last shot in the movie. Do the off-set halftones work, or should I just do away with them?

Here are some plain old clouds, for the few shots I have on the very top of the hill. I'll probably have them move slowly across the sky behind the characters.

Finally, an upshot of the hilltop, with a little more detail than I had on the wide shot I posted previously.

Next to come: comic book designs!


Carder said...

The halftone doesn't work for me, but I want it in there. Maybe it's offset just a LITTLE too much? Maybe you shouldn't offset it? I can't decide!

Emily said...

The textures are rockin. I actually don't have any issues with the halftone being offset.